30 mins 95 dhs
Learn to Swim
30 mins 84 dhs
45 mins 126 dhs
Stroke Development
30 mins 84 dhs
45 mins 126 dhs
60 mins 148 dhs
Private Classes
30 mins 189 dhs
45 mins 252 dhs
60 mins 315 dhs
Semi Private Classes
30 mins 126 dhs
45 mins 168 dhs
60 mins 189 dhs
Terms and Conditions
- Classes are payable in advance for the term
- All sessions are to be completed in the course of the term in which they are booked
- There are no term transfers or refunds
- One make up will be offered per term where available
- Minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel a class
Rates are listed PER SWIMMER per class
All rates are inclusive of 5% VAT